Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Hackney Marshes, London.

 photo man2015.jpg

John the Poacher portrait, as seen in Spring 2015 issue of the Dalstonist.

See an online version here: http://dalstonist.co.uk/john-the-poacher-makes-his-living-out-on-the-marshes/

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

390 Bus, London.

 photo 390 London bus - Charlie Whatley  2015_zpsxetg5sra.jpg

Colour version seen in beer 52's Ferment magazine.

Available to view online here: http://issuu.com/fermentmag/docs/ferment_issue_15 - pages 14-15.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

The Bell & Brisket & Spit & Roast at the Grafton.

 photo Spit and Roast Bell and Brisket Grafton  CW  2015_zpsmhaaywm4.jpg

A big thankyou to these excellent chefs and Bel for putting on an amazing lunch today.

Saturday, 10 January 2015
